Monday, April 11, 2011

Foraged and Found Edibles - Jeremy Faber of Foraged and Found Edibles

Foraged and Found Edibles - Jeremy Faber of Foraged and Found Edibles

Here's the "blueprint" for Gourmet Foragables & More. Jill and I had the opportunity to meet this guy at the West Seattle Farmer's Market this weekend. He did not have any fresh morels (they did at Pike street for $50 a pound) but it was interesting to meet him and hear his story. He was able to quit his dayjob and make a full-time career out of foraging wild goods that grow here in the Pacific Northwest. In the winter he even makes weekly trips to pick mushrooms in California for his restauranat clients!!!

And yes the first FRESH morels have arrived and are at the Pike Street Market. The only fresh morels I've seen or heard of in the Northwest, and the price reflects it. At $50/lb we were only able to go home with 6 mushrooms, but damn were they good!!!

1 comment:

  1. The morels were REALLY, REALLY good. I can't wait til we start picking here. You're all in for a real treat at the SPM! See you there!!


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